Sunday, April 29, 2012

Seating plan

So...the seating plan has been in place since befor the holidays, and you guys handled the change really well. It helped some of you concentrate more on your work, helped some by sitting them next to someone who could help them, and it put a few of you in places where it was easier for me to help you more often. Next step ... we are still going to have a seating plan, but it is time for me to rearrange it a bit, and before I do, this is your chance to make recommendations. If you want to shift, please comment on this post saying who you want to sit next to, and how this will help you learn more effectively.

Typing scores

Typing skills update is here. Look for your name and typing speed. Also, I need a new idea for the poll on the right-had-side of the blog. Also, what colour shall we change the blog to next? Remember to include your name in your comment, so I know who has answered. But wait...there's more! I put some of your gimp pics online here.